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Harvard Study Reveals One Word Is the Secret to Being Likable and Emotionally Intelligent


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5 Incredibly Effective Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Here are 5 small changes from Inc. you can make to help you work smarter instead of harder. https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/5-incredibly-effective-ways-to-work-smarter-not-harder.html

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6 phrases (and 6 words) you should never include in a cover letter

Here are 6 words and phrases from the Ladders to remove from your cover letter. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/6-phrases-and-6-words-you-should-never-include-in-a-cover-letter

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Job interview preparation: How to prepare for an interview in 3 steps

Here are some tips from the Ladders on how to prepare for your next interview. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/3-step-job-interview-preparation

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The Resume Section That Matters More Than You’d Think

Here’s an article from The Muse on how to update the Skills section of your resume. https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-resume-section-that-matters-more-than-youd-think

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Phone Interview Tips: 19 Keys to Landing a Second Interview

Have an upcoming phone interview? Here are some tips from Hired on how to land the in person interview. https://hired.com/blog/candidates/19-phone-interview-tips-get-hired/

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How You Can Use Rest as a Tool for Success


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Want to Schedule a Productive Workday? Follow These 4 Really Simple Strategies.

Here are some strategies to increase the productiveness of your workday. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/316183

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Career & resume objective statements to catch a manager’s eyes

Does your resume still have an objective statement? If so, here is some advice from Ladders on how to update it. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/resume-objective-statements-catch-managers-eyes    

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5 ways you’re setting yourself up to fail on LinkedIn

Here are some tips from Ladders on how to improve your LinkedIn profile. https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/5-ways-youre-setting-yourself-up-to-fail-on-linkedin  

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